How was Angeliki created?

Ma was very disappointed in people. She missed her fairy-world, even though they hadn't treated her the best way there either. Her current human life lacked magic. She missed the boundless beauty and the undying happiness. Everyone around her seemed so unhappy in her eyes...
So, she considered writing something dreamy... something that would make people forget their mundane (and sometimes cruel) reality. Something that would make anyone who listened to it smile and that would give them strength to deal with the real world.
So, she created Angeliki. A human angel...

Angeliki is always there for you.
You only have to call for her and she will come to find you...

And, thus, Angeliki was created...


It should be fairy-noted:

Ma had to go through a medical examination and was very nervous. Her fairy-world doesn't have doctors or white rooms and cold beds. That was the only time she really regretted taking a human form.

She was at a hospital (in one of those white rooms), waiting for the doctor to come. She lay motionless (on one of those cold beds), alone with her thoughts. Suddenly, she started singing Angeliki's song in her head "Don't be afraid of fairy tales, don't be mad at the truth...". The doctor came in, eventually, and put her under, while Ma stared at the ceiling, still singing... The last things she could remember before the absolute darkness were Angeliki's melody and lyrics...

When all of this had passed, she talked to Eu about it enthusiastically. She told her that Angeliki chased the fear away. Eu didn't say anything. Later, a bird came to Ma's balcony and told her that Eu cried a lot that day, when she found out that the song they 'd made gave Ma strength during a hard time like that. Ma still feels enormous gratitute because she has such a good friend who's there for her in difficult times and, also, because this friend's talent created such a magical music.

Now, whenever any difficulty comes, Ma sings this song, smiles and the difficulties simply pass...