Ma felt alone.
No, she didn't just feel alone.
Ma felt alone alone.
No, she didn't just feel alone alone.
Ma felt alone alone alone.
That's it! She'd found it! She felt alone alone alone...
She was very sad and felt "betrayed" by her two closest people (thankfully, not by Ko and Eu, but by her two closest humans)... She felt destroyed and thought that she would never manage to trust anyone again. People were used to ruthless behaviours like these... but Ma wasn't. It took her a long time to even her breath again and to keep living... She started realizing that betrayal is, sometimes, relevant. She forgave those people in her mind and decided to go on without them...
All this psychological destruction had as a result the creation of Maria. Ma wanted to write a script to precede the song "Strong" (which had been written a long time before then) and when she wrote Maria's monologue she knew that she had finally found exactly what she'd been looking for!
And, thus, Maria was created...
It should be fairy noted:
- Ma doesn't believe that art has to come from pain. She believes that it's beautiful when art comes from healthy aspects of life. However, it is inevitable for the artist to put all of his experiences in his art (so long as they always do it in a "healthy" way)... Many times, the results of something painful are evident in these experiences...
- Strong is the only song which story will not be written... it is very personal, a result of many years of living among humans and encapsulates even more pain than the creation of Maria... The story of this song belongs only to Ma...
- While playing the song Strong, Eu (perhaps because she is a sensitive female soul and, therefore, unable to distance herself from what Maria says) presses the wrong keyes. Every time, Ma tries really hard to sing on-key... So, a chaos occures. Thankfully, Ko - being the most composed - keeps the rhythm steady... That's something...!
- The first time Maria's monologue was presented, it was about Christmas' loneliness instead of St Valentines'... That is, it was written about Christmas... Later, when the performance was changed (more characters, scripts and songs were added), Maria had to be moved to a different timing; the same happened to other characters, as well...
- During Maria's monologue most women tear up... Men don't, on the other hand... Nothing is random... Female pain is recognised by female pain and male thinking is percieved by male thinking...