Ma wanted to return to the fairy-world.
Observing the humans on a daily basis, she saw things that she didn't like at all. Injustice, rudeness, hypocrisy, lack of respect were only some of them. Humans many times used their intelligence in a way that did (consciously or subconsciously) more harm than good. Also, their society had some rules that everyone had to follow regardless of whether they were satisfied or not. That was something that Ma's mind could not grasp.
Ma found a very good friend among the humans. She was more than friend. We could say that she was a sister soul. As it turned out, she wasn't human either... she had come from a far away place (she had actually been born on Vega), decided to come down to Earth and assumed, for her own personal reasons, human form herself. So it happened that they shared their view of facts and situations; they saw people and the world in almost the same way and they communicated like Ma had never communicated with any other "human".
They would talk for hours about the problems of the human world, ask questions, search for answers and analyze thoughts and feelings. Through all of these conversations (that helped their personal evolution, as well as their evolution as a group), some questions came to Ma, questions she wrote in a script for the three elves' performance. So, she wrote on a paper several "Why"s. They were the phrasing of some simple wonderments she'd had for years, concerning her experiences from living among humans...
And, thus, Nadia was created...
It should be fairy-noted:
- Ma longs for Knowledge. Just like Nadia does.
Ma would like to have around her people who know their fields and know how to give their knowledge to others. She wishes Teachers, with a capital T, existed. It is a given that teaching is a creative process. Teachers who Teach give you the chance to create your own road. Teachers enlighten; they don't tame. They are neither executioners or judges. Dilemma: teaching or Teaching? While teaching causes unhapiness, Teaching is a gift. While teaching creates slaves, Teaching creates geniouses...
Oh, yes, Marilou longs for Teachers...